Numeracy is taught throughout the entire journey of schooling at Taylors Hill Primary School. We use best practice and up to date research to inform our teaching and learning in line with the Victorian Curriculum. Our Numeracy program includes Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability.
Students engage in a one hour Numeracy session each day. A typical Numeracy lesson at Taylors Hill Primary School consists of:
Warm Up: Students are involved in a game or task that motivates, engages and tunes them into Numeracy. They are encouraged to think mathematically and are also provided with opportunities to access prior knowledge and revise prior learning.
Whole Class Introduction: The teacher explicitly teaches and models new concepts or builds upon the previous knowledge of students.
Student Activity: Students are involved in independent or small group work. This is an opportunity for students to apply new skills that they are learning, problem solve and have valuable conversations with others about their mathematical thinking.
Reflection: This encourages students to verbalise or write about their learning and what they have discovered during the lesson. They are encouraged to explain their thinking and make connections about what they have learned.
How to support your child at home with Numeracy:
Play warm up games at home – your child will be able to show you how to play these
Explore Numeracy home learning tasks with your child
Promote thinking about Numeracy by asking questions
Talk about Numeracy in real life situations
If you would like further information about the Victorian Curriculum, please follow this link:
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