In the first few weeks of school each year, all students at Taylors Hill Primary School will be engaged in the T.E.A.M Learning Program.
This program exposes the children to new thinking tools, self awareness activities and gives them a voice in the development of their classroom community. At the conclusion of this program we will have a shared understanding of our school Code of Conduct and Values, a class Mission Statement, Classroom Principles, a Class Mascot and Motto. As they are developed, these will be on display in classrooms and parents will receive a copy of their child’s Classroom Learning Plan when it is complete.
This program also highlights the 5 Keys to Success –
Resilience, Persistence, Organisation, Getting Along and Confidence.
The children will learn about what being successful means and how each of these keys can assist us in being ‘successful’. These keys are the foundations for the ‘You Can Do It!’ program which is a student wellbeing program being implemented at T.H.P.S.
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