Please note that due to increased costs we will be making some reasonable price increases for 2024, please click the link below to view the current menu
The canteen operates every school day to provide lunches as well as being open for counter sales at both recess and lunchtime. Health regulations are strictly adhered to. The canteen is regularly inspected and reported on by the Health Department of the local council.
To promote healthy eating choices the canteen does not fry any food and where available uses school approved premium branded products. The items that dominate the menu are low in sugar, salt and saturated fats, are a good source of nutrients, and help to avoid an intake of excess energy (kilojoules).
Consistent with the recognized future of school lunch ordering, your canteen is now online, making it easier and faster for you to order your children’s lunches.
You can use Paypal or Credit Card. You can also use Direct Deposit which is fee free.
The website is safe and secure- QuickCliq is Department of Education approved and all your information is hosted in Australia. QuickCliq also has an SSL certification and is PCIDSS approved for secure financial transactions.
Should you have any technical questions regarding the online ordering system, or if you experience any difficulty registering, please contact:
QuickCliq Helpline: phone 1300 116 637
Only food related issues should be directed to the canteen.
Please note that QuickCliq is to be used for canteen lunch orders only- not for any other school payments.
The canteen will also process lunch orders placed in the classroom tub. If you do not wish to use the online service, please ensure that you are using the current canteen pricelist on the school website when placing your orders.
When ordering through the classroom lunch tub please place money (correct amount when possible) in a paper bag with your child’s name, grade and room number on the front. Should your child have a food allergy please note this in red ink on the front of the lunch bag so that the order can be handled appropriately. Please do not use staples or sticky tape. If you do not have a bag please include an additional 10 cents.
Please explain to your child that any change due will be taped to the inside corner of the lunch bag so that they know not to throw their bag away with the change inside. The amount of change will also be written and circled on the lunch order bag. Please also let them know if they are allowed to spend any change or if they are expected to take it home.
The canteen operates a sticker system for frozen items on the menu. A sticker is attached to the outside of the lunch order bag which enables children to personally collect their food without risk of spillage into the class lunch tub. The system also allows for those ordering frozen items to receive priority over the counter. Please explain this system to your child so that they know to bring the sticker back to the canteen to collect their item and not throw their bag away with the sticker still attached.
Cup noodles are also personally collected when your child returns to the canteen with their lunch bag.
The canteen staff endeavour to fill all lunch orders however on rare occasions this is not possible. The reasons vary but may be due to insufficient money enclosed in the order, a particular item being unavailable from a supplier, or a delivery being unavoidably delayed. Also in cases where a lunch order is handed in late a substitution may be necessary due to time limitations. If any of these situations arise, the canteen will contact the child to arrange a suitable substitution ensuring any allergy or dietary issues are addressed, and let the school know.
If at any time your child’s lunch order has not been collected from the canteen, the office will be notified so that it can either be picked up from the canteen or delivered to the office for collection.
Please let your child know that if they have any problem with their lunch order to return to the canteen with their lunch bag so that any issues can be immediately rectified.
The canteen management has formulated the procedure for emergency lunch orders in consultation with the school principal. As has been agreed, if a child does not have any lunch and has no money to purchase food, an emergency lunch order is authorised by the school office. A note is sent home via the student advising the cost of the order and it is expected that any money due to the canteen be paid the next school day.
Your canteen managers are happy to be of assistance to you; should you have any queries please contact us.
© Copyright Taylors Hill Primary School